SAML Configuration on Agile 9.3.5
As per the Oracle updates it seems Agile still don’t support SAML directly, but only via web services. If you wants to use SAML this can be done only via web services and not via web client.
Has anyone tried it. Also attaching the list of steps we followed for configuring on weblogic based on few blogs we came across.
Request you to share if you have any info.
Hi All,
Finally Agile – SAML integration is working for us. After entering network credentials finally SAML url is redirecting it back to Agile URL. All this is achieved through weblogic configuration changes.
Once you are done with basic configurations, then much has to do with the ordering of providers, The ordering that worked for me was :
1. SAML 2.0 Identiry Assertion Provider 2. Weblogic Authentication Provider (Your default) 3. Agile Authentication Provider 4. Provider that performs LDAP Authentication
5. Trust Service Identity Assertion Provider.
Hi Arif,
I am working as an SSO developer. We recently got a request to implement single sign-on for Agile 9.3.4 version. In the administrator document, I don’t see anything that says about SAML 2.0. Can you please give us the brief overview/ steps involved in configuring SAML 2.0
Thank you.
Hi Arif,
We are trying to setup Agile 936 authentication through OKTA using SAML. Could you please help us if you have done before.
We have tried following your instructions , but getting error in Agile log as MaxPostSizeExceeded exception and it shows Not found error when we login using okta.
Any document would be really helpful if you could share. Thank you so much for sharing your knowlege.
Hello, Were you able to make OKTA SSO work with Agile ? If yes, I’m looking to engage someone and let us know if we can partner with you. Thank you