Run Reports Automatically in Web Cient PLM?

Is there a way to automate reporting in the web client PLM?

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2 Answer(s)

If you want to do it via Web-UI than You can create custom reports. This reports will use a saved/created searches. You can then schedule the report as per your convenience.

Agile Angel Answered on August 28, 2017.
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There are couple of approaches. 

Frequency : If you need on  Daily/Weekly/Weekend/Weekday/Monthly/Basis then, You can follow along the following steps and leverage OOTB feature to do that -> 

1. Create New –> Reports — > Custom Reports 
2. In Define query window, you can include a saved Search or create a custom search. 
3. Click on Finish. 
4. Go to schedule tab, you can select the frequency as Daily/Weekly/Weekend/Weekday as per your convenience. You can also Define the user list you want to create. 

Frequency : Hourly

1.Write a standalone Java program which should load your report query. 
2. Schedule the job to run on hourly basis on your server


Agile Angel Answered on August 28, 2017.
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