PPM Projects HOLD status

Hi Guys,

I see, there is no option to keep the PPM projects on HOLD status for sometime as in PPM project status is rolled up from the children.

Again when we resume the project, the tasks schedule should be adjusted with the current date.

Is there anyway we can achieve this?


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2 Answer(s)

Hi Anand,

projects are based in time and, by concept, they can’t be in Hold status. If the company needs to stop a project I see two ways out:
   – Delete the not needed tasks and complete the project;
   – Create a new task, lets call “Hold”, and use it to shift the project schedule as much as needed, increasing the task duration. I don’t like it because we are going to have projects with the status in “In Progress” what it’s not true.

My best

Agile Angel Answered on March 6, 2017.
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Hi Anand,

Another solution could be set the Template field to Proposed when the task has to be put on Hold.
This makes the task scheduling modifiable but avoid to modify its workflow status. 
Once you activate the tasklist (from proposed to Active) you can capture that in an Event PX and set the dates as you wish.
It should works but I have never tried it before. (PPM Module is magic sometime 🙂 )

Agile Angel Answered on March 6, 2017.
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