IProductReport Bom Comparison

Hi All,

I create a simple program to produce an XML file from the Class IProductReport to compare 2 BOM (Agile PLM 9.3.5).

The question is how to make the XML file more readable, because if I open the file from Excel then it’s very difficult to understand which row is the difference between 2 BOM.

As I knew ( correct me if I’m wrong), the standard report BOM Comparison uses BI Publisher to give an output, is it possible to use it in the same way? Please help with the steps to solve it or another solution.

Another question: Where we can find the file source code of Standard Report? example: BOM Comparison, Thank you.












Agile User Asked on May 2, 2023 in Agile PLM (v9).
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1 Answer(s)

Hi Experts,

Kindly give an example of how to read/process the output from (IProductReport Bom Comparison).

The purpose is to find the different rows only  (the standard BOM comparison report shows all rows). Thank you





Agile User Answered on July 28, 2023.
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