How to export the title block attributes of all affected items in a ECO

Hi All,

How to export the title block attributes of all affected items in a ECO, is there any report or any way to do by some advance search, please help.


Agile Talent Asked on September 19, 2018 in Agile PLM (v9),   Product Collaboration.
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4 Answer(s)

Hi Surya,

You can export the ECO in aXML format where you can specify an ACS filter for the affected items to export only Title Block data. Once exported, extract the agile.xml from that archive and then you can run a XSL transformation on that to generate a HTML report as per your specification and requirement with formatting.

Agile Expert Answered on September 19, 2018.
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Hi Surya,

Sawagoto has pretty much given a good solution. There is no direct way to get the data apart from creating ATO/CTO but again you need to have access to ACS destination location.

Apart from the one mentioned above, I have couple of approaches to suggest:->

1. From back-end :
     – Form a simple SQL query and get the desired results. If you are interested let me know, will share the SQL query.
      – You need to have access to Agile schema to do this.

2. From Front End:
        a.  Run an advanced search for Changes –> ECO/,MCO –> Object Search
        b. On the format field select ECO and Affected Item.Number
        c. Run a report to generate Item and Title block details using advanced search.
        d. Do a V-Lookup between these two and you should get the required data.
        e. The problem with the approach is it can hamper your system performance.


Agile Angel Answered on September 19, 2018.
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You could just set up an advanced search based on the Pending Change.Number or Change History.Number and modify the output format to include the Title Block attributes you are looking for.  This will return a separate line for each affected item that is on that change and then you can just export the results.

Advanced Search –
Items – Parts – Object Search
*Pending Changes.Number – Equal To – [Change Number] 

*use Pending Changes.Number if the change in question is has not yet been released else use Change History.Number.  You could also just add an OR statement if you don’t know the status of the change.

Agile Angel Answered on September 19, 2018.
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I know it’s old but how can I export the Title block data including the redlines on the title block page of each affected item?

Agile User Answered on September 18, 2024.
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