Can Attach Attachments to Item. when Item attached to MCO

  Create Change Order attach Item , Attach the files to Co Affected Item.
   Release the Change order 
  Create MCO for the same Item, Go to the MCo Afftected Item Attachments and Attach files.
Is this is possible?

Agile Talent Asked on February 4, 2016 in Agile PLM (v9),   Product Collaboration.
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2 Answer(s)

Hi Divakar,

It is not possible to apply Version Specific changes during a MCO because this change will not create any new version on the affected item.
Also once MCO is released, the attachment cannot be added to the Item if the MCO version is selected.

Agile Angel Answered on February 4, 2016.

Thanks Antonio for the quick response,

Are you saying before releasing MCO it should allow to attach Affected Items?
I tried it is not allowing.

on February 4, 2016.

Divakar – attachments cannot be added to MCO affected items whether released or not.  
I believe Antonio’s last sentence was referring to making attachment changes to the item record directly.  If the latest release for the item was on an MCO – the attachments cannot be modified while viewing the MCO rev.  You’d have to change the rev dropdown to the corresponding ECO rev to make attachment changes.

on February 11, 2016.
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To expand on Antonio’s answer – Attachments are tied to a specific item revision and can therefore only be modified at the ECO revision level. 

An ECO creates a new revision for the affected item allowing rev-specific changes to be made.  MCOs do not create a new revision and therefore only non-rev specific changes can be made to the affected items.

With sufficient privileges – Attachments can be modified on a released item record directly (without an ECO),  but this can also only be done at the ECO revision level (The ECO released rev must be selected in the rev dropdown).

Agile Angel Answered on February 11, 2016.

Thanks Danny, This Answer is useful.

on February 12, 2016.
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