Bulk update Mass

We have a Title Block Attribute named Mass with a type of UOM.  I have permissions to manually edit the field if I select the latest ECO Rev.  I have tried and tried to update the field using Import but can’t get it to work.  My import file has 4 columns, Part Number, Mass, Mass measure and Revision.   All of the Mass numbers are in the same UOM “KILOGRAMS”. I have over a thousand items to update so I don’t want to do it manually.  Any suggestions?

Agile User Asked on January 25, 2022 in Agile PLM (v9).
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2 Answer(s)


In the excel, are you using the value in the Mass column in “KILOGRAM:5” format? I mean it should be in <UOM Unit: UOM Value> format,  and UOM unit values should be in GRAM, MILLIGRAM, OUNCE, KILOGRAM etc. format. I tested it to be working fine in our system.

Agile Expert Answered on January 27, 2022.
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You didn’t mention if you have subclass in your import file.  As a minimum, when doing imports, you must include part number AND subclass.

Hope that helps,


Agile Professional Answered on February 1, 2022.
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