agile database packages showing as invalid

Hi All,
Recently latest database dump was imported using agile9imp script to agile schema, but some agile db packages showing as invalid even though there are no errors, can someone help me.


I added attachment, please see for better understanding

on December 20, 2016.
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10 Answer(s)

There is a script named “dbmspool.sql” located in %ORACLE_HOME%/RDBMS/ADMIN that you need to run under the sys account (as sysdba). This script defines the “dbms_shared_pool” package and after running this script the various Agile packages will have access to that Oracle package.

Agile Angel Answered on December 20, 2016.
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Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your reply, I will try and update.


Agile Angel Answered on December 20, 2016.
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Hi Kevin,

After running the script dbmspool.sql, I am able to remove one error out of 4 , but still another 3 packages showing errors, could you please help.
below packages shows errors, please check screen shot, your help is much appreciated.



Agile Angel Answered on December 21, 2016.

Hi Kevin,

DO you have any idea on above errors, please help me


on December 22, 2016.
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When you import a new database, the usual procedure is to drop the old user and create a new one. As part of the script to do that, there is the following :
type_exists number;
sql_command varchar2(200);
select count(1) into type_exists from user_objects where object_name = ‘T_NUMBERS’ and object_type=’TYPE’;
if (type_exists = 0) then
sql_command := ‘create type t_numbers as table of number(10)’;
execute immediate sql_command;
end if;

grant all on t_numbers to agile;

 For whatever reason, this is missing, Run all of the above SQL in the sys account, and the error concerning T_NUMBERS will go away. All of this can be found in the USERAGILE.SQL script that is located in the D:oracle12adminagile9createagile directory where the RECREATEAGILE.BAT file is located.

Agile Angel Answered on December 23, 2016.

Hi Kevin,

Thank you very much for your reply, I will check this and update you.


on December 26, 2016.
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Hi Kevin,
After resolving package errors, I am getting error ORA-29861: domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE, when I check DBA_INDEXES some of the DOMIDX_OPSTATUS shows invalid, please see the screenshot for better understanding.


RE: agile database packages showing as invalid

Agile Angel Answered on December 28, 2016.
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There is a script to drop and recreate the various CTX (full text search) indexes in the database. it is named “agile9_ctx_recreate.sql”. It is located in the same directory as the “recreateagile.bat” script. Note that you should probably run the “agile9_fts_prefs.sql” and “agile9_fts_prefs_lexer_basic.sql” scripts in the CTX schema first (per what is done in the “recreateagile.bat” script).
 It should be able to get the “failed” indexes removed and then recreate them correctly. Try and run that script in the agile schema, and if things are no good, then make sure to run the 2 “fts_prefs” script first and to then run the drop command for each index first and make sure it gets drops. And of course, make sure the the CTX schema exists in the database instance.

Agile Angel Answered on December 28, 2016.
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Hi Kevin,

Thanks for update, oracle team has suggested below solution, is this needed?

Step1: Download the Examples:

Please refer the below KM where to download the examples CD.

Where to Download the Oracle Database 11g, Examples CD for Oracle Database 11g, WebLogic or Application Server, and Agile Software for an Agile Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Install/Upgrade ( Doc ID 850131.1 )

Please follow below steps to resolve the issue.

1. On the Example CD (Formerly Companion CD) locate the following directory:

2. Open group1.1.jar with WinZip or other compatible utility and extract the files to
%Oracle_home%ctxdataenlx directory

3. The six files are…

Note that this part is kept internal as the steps for Oracle 11g and above is unknown as Example CD has different file structure.
4. Run agile9_fts.sql, and confirm that it completes without the error

Agile Angel Answered on December 29, 2016.
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If they say to do it, do it.    Did you even have the CTX schema created in your database instance??
 I am not specifically familiar with what they are asking you to do, but if those files are in fact not on your server where Oracle is installed, then they most certainly should be there. I suspect that  they have something to do with character sets, but other than that, no idea.

Agile Angel Answered on December 29, 2016.
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Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your update, I have CTXSYS schema in DB, but the issue is in CTXSYS schema, all these issues started when we imported latest data base file demp agile9_imp into our Agile schema earlier, with your help all those package errors were gone, but after that I see below errors in CTXSYS packages, the issue “oracle looping chain of synonyms” error, not sure what to do.

RE: agile database packages showing as invalid


Agile Angel Answered on January 3, 2017.
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Well, I have never seen that issue either. Contact Oracle about that one, but it looks like you have some synonyms that have multiple declarations that are different. Oracle would be much better at sorting that out than I would.

Agile Angel Answered on January 3, 2017.
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