
Seems like every other week I see this error when my Averify runs.  We’re on Agile 9.3.2 and are running Averify 1.7.5

AGIL-00025146 : E : REV :  table has bad data at id = 30983703 (The second bit of flag 01000000000000000000000000000000 in the table is not correct.)          

I’m trying to get to the root cause and Oracle support tells me this is normal and just keep running the SQL fix they gave me.  Is this true?

Mike Evans
Intermatic, Inc.

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2 Answer(s)

Averify version seems to be little old.. try running the averify in the latest version to see if you are getting the same E type.
Yes, there are couple of instances where in we need to execute the fix scripts to clear the errors due to some of the other table dependency, but is not required to be executed so many times.

Agile Angel Answered on February 23, 2016.

Thanks Srinivasa.  I wasn’t aware there was a newer version of Averify.

on February 23, 2016.

The newer version of the Averify version is 1.7.7 which you can download from OracleSupport.. check the agile version compatibility for 1770

on February 23, 2016.
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Yes.   The logic around updating the “attachments” bit in the FLAGS attribute for revisions has had this issue for quite a while (since at least, especially when the item revision has more than 1 attachment linked to it. No idea what the cause is, but what is going on is that the flag bit isn’t set correctly for whether the revision has any attachments linked to it (and it goes both ways – no attachments but the flag bit is set, and attachments but the flag bit isn’t set). It may simply be an issue with updates when the File Manager is busy, or there is contention for the revision record. I am certain they will figure it out and fix the issue, but there may be a lot of other related stuff going on that you and I have no clue about. I seriously doubt there is anything you can do to prevent it, other than to run Averify every 15-30 minutes and checking the results.
For now, keep the fix script handy and run it when needed. I have the script, and use it as needed.

Agile Angel Answered on February 23, 2016.

Thanks Kevin!

on February 23, 2016.
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