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We’ve recently made a few changes to the profile section on GrabCAD in hopes of making it easier for our Community members to show off their best work, see who follows who, update their profiles, and more! This redesign allows your profile to not just be a profile, but a professional and social portfolio. Here are some of the best new features:

Mobile Responsive Layout

In today’s day and age, everything is mobile. For this reason we have made the new GrabCAD profile mobile responsive, making it easy to navigate no matter what screen size you are using. The new design goes hand-in-hand with our most recent functionality – Groups.

Custom Select Your Best Models

This has probably been the most requested feature from our users. Before, profiles didn’t show any of your models at all, and on the engineers page you could only see automatically picked recently uploaded models. But now, you can custom pick the six models you want to be displayed on your profile as well as on the engineers search page.  

Who is Following You?

The second most requested feature was a way to see  who is following you and who you have followed. Now you can do both. Go to your profile and click on the “followers” or “following” count in the statistics sidebar and you are introduced to two new pages with lists of users.


Give a short summary about yourself with the updated taglines! Along with the custom selected models, this gives you much more control over how Community members see you in the Engineers list.

More Links to Your Social Accounts

Connect with GrabCAD members on more than just GrabCAD! In addition to your website and Twitter links, you can now add the URLs to your LinkedIn and Facebook profile.

Total Count of Models and Tutorials

You can’t miss it! It’s now easier than ever to see the total count of models and tutorials when browsing an engineers profile.

My Followers Count

You can now see how many followers an engineer has in the header of their profile. We think this is a good social proof from the Community itself to show who has been active and sharing knowledge and good content.

New Edit Form

To make it easier to update your profile, we created a new edit page to bring all the information together in one place and also give you a quick preview in the sidebar of how your profile is represented to the Community. You can access it through the “Edit profile” button in your profile header.

The list doesn’t stop here. We’ve added many other small improvements and tweaks to make connecting, sharing, and navigating easier than ever. We hope you enjoy the new redesigned profiles!

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