Standalone Manufacturer Parts in agile

Is it possible to get the standalone manufacturer parts from Agile which are not linked to any Items?

Agile User Asked on July 14, 2020 in Product Collaboration.
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2 Answer(s)

There is no way to search for mfr parts in which the Where Used is null (you can do that for parts and documents).

The only good way is to execute the following query in the database :

select MANUFACTURER, mp.part_number from manufacturers m, manu_parts mp

where mp.manufacturer = and not exists (select null from manu_by where manu_part =;

This will list the mfr parts that are not (and never have been) used in any AML for any part.

Agile Angel Answered on July 14, 2020.
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While it doesn’t work for MPNs that have never been linked to an item, you can use Component Engineer Searches >> Mfr Pts Not Used for a Latest Released Part to see all the MPNs not currently linked to an item.

Agile Angel Answered on July 16, 2020.
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