Will Agile notifications won’t work for Non LDAP users
I have created a user in AGILE and I gave my mail ID in the email section, I added the user on to a change, I don’t relieve any notification for approval, is notification’s won’t work for Non-LDAP users ? Or am I missing something.
Hello Surya
It should work as long as it is a valid email id. Please make sure the “Receive Email Notification” is set to Yes for the user you created
– Raj
Non-LDAP users receive notifications just fine, so you might want to confirm the user is configured to receive notifications (User Profile >> Preferences >> System Preferences >> Receive Email Notification.) If that is set to Yes, then check the agile logs for any error messages.
Hi Surya,
User would receive notifications if
1. Notifications Are turned On(under database Node in Java Client)
2. System Notification has Email and Inbox selected(Check the Notification specific to action under Notifications node)
3.User Profile Preference is set to receive Email Notifications.
4. Email Id should be valid.