Which file contains the Oracle ICON image printed on the reports ?

I am trying to replace the logo/icon image for Oracle that gets printed on the PDF version of the report from Agile PLM… Does anyone know which file may contain it?   I wanted to ask here first, before writing a script to dump every image file found in EAR, WAR, JAR files.


Agile Talent Asked on January 27, 2017 in Agile PLM (v9),   Product Collaboration.
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4 Answer(s)

Please check if “Replacing the Oracle Logo” section from Admin guide helps. It may be only for WebClient logo. Worth trying. 

Agile Angel Answered on February 3, 2017.
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Hi, all

According to Oracle Doc ID 2076458.1, there is no way to configure the reports not to display the Oracle logo. There is, however, an ER opened for that that´s referenced on the same document.

Best regards,

Agile Talent Answered on February 6, 2017.
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The Oracle logo was replaced in A934 by updating
—  application.ear application.war, images folder WEB-INFOweb.xml

—  Tools | Administration | Visual Themes

These reports are not getting the logo from the application.ear images,  because of the integration with the  BI Publisher engine, which is used by Agile to generate reports.
An workaround for these 3 reports is using  HTML/Excel format to generate report, then add your logo and convert it to PDF manually.

-Item Attribute History
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Agile User Answered on February 7, 2017.
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Thank you all for good answers… Well,  I tried to see where the potential oracle logo could be hidden and found few candidates, but do NOT wish to spend time testing if that image in the archive file is really being used by the report generation logic.  I am sharing my script if anyone wishes to explore on their own.

The scripts lists all the images in archive files from a top folder where you wish to start the search.  I am basically looking at jar/ear/war files and checking to see if it contains files that ends with .gif , .png, or .jpg.  After manually looking at the list in “all.txt” file, I pulled few files to my desktop and looked at the images…There are many potential images that match the Oracle logo in the PDF file….  I was hoping for a single image match…:-(

rm all.txt
find . -type f | grep ‘.jar$|.war$|.ear$’ | xargs -I ‘{}’ ./findme.sh {}

Content of the file: findme.sh

rm result.txt
jar tfv $1 | grep ‘.png$|.jpg$|.gif$’ > result.txt
filesize=$(wc -c < result.txt)
if [ $filesize -gt 1 ] ; then
echo “***** check file: $1 *****”
echo “***** FILE: $1 *****” >> all.txt
cat result.txt >> all.txt
echo “” >> all.txt

Agile Talent Answered on February 7, 2017.
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