Where to place MSRP in Agile PLM?
My company still follows a manual process of maintaining and publishing parts prices (MSRP) via Excel spreadsheet (and may want to keep it that way, for now).
Assuming we don’t want to use the cost & pricing management processes (PCM module) within Agile PLM, is there still a place or utilities in Agile PLM that can import MSRP data per item/part as a regular/periodic batch update activity? Is “Importing Published Prices” (via Import Wizard) the right utility for this?
Also, “Supplier” is considered a “Key Price Field” (mandatory source data) – but we are the manufacturer of all parts; there is no supplier identified for any part. As a workaround, can we just define Supplier = blank or not applicable?
Our goal of importing MSRP into Agile PLM is simply to complete the product information within Agile PLM system.
So, if you need you can create an attribute (number or money) on PAGE2 and load the $$ and update on a regular basis. Recommend making this a non updateable field. I would also use FIELD LEVEL READ to make anywhere the attribute=0 not be readable or ‘invisible’ just so you don’t raise any concerns or inquiries.
If you are NOT using supplier then don’t use it. The core need for the supplier information is to support PQM activities.