Where is the File Folder Attribute Label set?
I am trying to set a version specific flag/status field for a File Folder that would be visible in the attachments tab of an Item. We are using Design File Change Orders to approve drawings for prototyping and testing during ECOs and need an easy way for reviewers to confirm that the drawings attached to an item have been approved before ECO release. I figured the easiest way would be to identify a File Folder version specific attribute that could be set during the DFCO and that can also appear in the attachment tab of the item. I want to leverage the File Folders attribute Label for this purpose. However, the label attribute appears to be a read only field. I can’t figure out what it is actually used for or where it would be set. I am also open to doing this through a script but haven’t had luck writing to the field that way either.
Thanks in advance.
Label is a version specific File Folder field. It should be editable on the File Folder given the privilege.