What’s the best way to speak to someone at Ticketmaster UK?!!!!NEed heLP!!!

 I purchased concert tickets for my daughter, ✅✔️+#+1=8779=­066=407❤️ ☎✔
the artist/venue doesn’t allow transfer and the tickets are tied to my Apple ID meaning I cannot just sign into my account on her phone. The ONLY solution is purchase an iPhone and load up my tickets in the✅✔️+#+1=87­79=066=407❤️ ☎✔
Apple Wallet and then have her carry it to the concerti get scalpers have ruined life but this is some level of dark magic to do something that was trivial a few years ago (hand paper tickets to someone).There is a solution. I was able to transfer my Ticketmaster Jesus Christ Superstar tickets from Apple ID to my✅✔️+#+1=877­9=066=407❤️ ☎✔
Google Wallet, then transferred my sister’s to her and she doesnt use Google. Yep.✅✔️+#+1=877­9=066=407❤️ ☎✔
I let a friend login to my Ticketmaster account on their phone and now my account is permanently assigned to their iPhone Apple ID. When I buy tickets, I’m unable to put them in my Apple wallet.✅✔️+#+1=877­9=066=407❤️ ☎✔
Ticketmaster did not want to help fix it so I’m screwed unless I create a separate new email address with Ticketmaster .That’s a super frustrating experience that scalpers and ticketing services have levied upon us over the years. There are better technological ways to deal with the scalper and transfer issue than just outright restricting transfers. It’s something I’m working with my event ☎✔ticketing solution.

Agile User Asked 6 hours ago in Agile PLM (v9).
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