What is main difference between Event PX and Custom PX?
A Custom PX is a class that implements ICustomAction interface of AgileAPI. it ican be configured as Process Extension and called from a Workflow status, from the Action menu of an object, from Tool Menu.
This kind of PX is triggered manually by users or reaching particular status of a workflow but cannot interact with the action that triggered it.
an Event PX is a class that implements IEventAction and could be configured as Event Handler. It can be triggered from Tool Menu or Action menu as well but also when an object is created, an object is updated, a workflow is moving from status A to Status B, during a Save As, etc.
It is triggered by such as an event and you can itneract with the user action, blocking it in case of any error or modifying something that is happening in the system (like the attributes that an user is saving).
You can reffer to that documentation for further detail