Unknown Number: Object does not exist. in AgileWSX Query
I am trying to build a query to identify the no of programs in Agile PLM using wsx services.
i am getting the below error message while getting the results in log
com.agile.api.pc.PCRuntimeAPIException: Unknown Number: Object does not exist.
at com.agile.api.pc.APIObject.createUncheckedError(APIObject.java:103)
at com.agile.api.pc.AgileObject.getCMObjectID(AgileObject.java:157)
at com.agile.api.pc.program.Program.getCMObjectID(Program.java:216)
at com.agile.api.pc.program.Program.invalidate(Program.java:439)
at com.agile.api.pc.Session.refeshLoadedObjects(Session.java:978)
at com.agile.api.pc.APIObject.refreshLoadedObjects(APIObject.java:321)
at com.agile.api.pc.query.Query.setCaseSensitive(Query.java:339)
I am not getting the above message every time, but only in some instances.
any idea how to trouble shoot and correct the issue.
Have you figured out how to troubleshoot and correct this issue? If so please share it with us for future reference.
If you are still experiencing the issue, I suggest you reach out to Oracle support.
Patrick Lawrence