Unable to set Page Three fields using CreateObject service
I am trying to create an item and set Page Three values using Agile core web service.
Request: // Here, List36 is Page Three attribute and 1544 is a base ID. //
<data rowId=”0″>
<description>Test Game Name</description>
<list36 xsi_type=”AgileListEntryType” attributeId=”1544″>
Response: //Why is it trying in Page Two.List36, there is no list36 in page two//
<displayName>Page Two.List36 [Testing]</displayName>
<message>Invalid request</message>
Thanks in advance.
If you do not specify the subclass of a part, then you cannot update P3 attributes. You have specified the class of the item, but not the subclass. Because it does not know which subclass configuration to check against, you get an error. You do have the correct attribute ID for P3.List36, but it has no idea which configuration to validate against.
Also note that as of PLM, yes there is a P2.LIST36 attribute (ID=2000018794, AKA LIST66).
Thanks Kevin for the answer.
We are on 9.3.4. Actually class Identifier that I am trying is not a Part, it is a different subclass that I changed the name here.
createObject service is working for other type of P3 attributes like text, multitext..
I tried updateObject service for P3 list and multilist attributes and it is working fine. I have raised a SR to check if it is a bug in 9.3.4.
One gotch to note is that any page 3 attributes you try to display on the “title block” does NOT display the correct “version” specific information.
Even though you may have different content for different versions, the UI based displayed content – and what’s worse, SDK based query for the field data – returns non-version specific information.