Unable to retrieve Change Object Information in Event PX

I am trying to retrieve Change information in my Event PX but my PX does not get the change Object. Below is the code :

public EventActionResult doAction(IAgileSession asession, INode node, IEventInfo req)




IWFChangeStatusEventInfo info = (IWFChangeStatusEventInfo)req;

IObjectEventInfo objectEventInfo = (IObjectEventInfo)req;

IChange change = (IChange) objectEventInfo.getDataObject();

logger.info("Encountered Change Class:" +change.getAgileClass());

logger.info("Name: " +change.getName());


My Event PX triggers on Workflow Change Status where the Status From and To values are entered correctly and my object is an LCO Change Type. The line change.getAgileClass() prints the Change Class Correctly  as “LCO” but when it comes to print change.getName(), it always print it as null. I am not sure why is this happening since I have used the same code for a number of PXs and it retrieves the Change Order correctly everytime. Can anyone help what can be the problem here.

Agile User Asked on September 12, 2019 in Software Development Kit (API).
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1 Answer(s)

In case anyone encounter this situation, please check if your Event Handler PX has the required roles. I missed that and realized it now.

After giving the necessary Roles to my Event Handler, it is working fine.

Agile User Answered on September 13, 2019.
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