Thumbnail Generator

Hi All,


Trying to fathom the workings of the Thumbnail Generator in a multi file manager system. 2 Questions:


1) Does it mater where you run it from i.e. PFM or DFM

2) When you run it with the check status switch, what do the results mean, in particular we have a lot of errored thumbails is there a way to find out which errored so we can diagnose and run again rather that runn -ALL


OK three questions disguised as 2

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1 Answer(s)


Since no answers have been posted I would recommend testing this thoroughly to find any consistency in the errors in order to root cause your issue.  

1. where are you running it from?
2. what types of files are erroring?
3. etc…. look for the commonality (maybe node, maybe fileserver, maybe anything)

Best of luck.

Agile Angel Answered on February 9, 2016.
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