The JAR deployed in an instance is not visible under EVENT ACTION of Event Handler
The Process Extension has been deployed in an Instance.The Process Extension is not visible under EVENT ACTION of Event Handler after several restart.
What could be the issue?
NOTE:There are 3 instance in a same server one is cluster and two are standalone instances.In cluster instance the Jars are visible but not in standalone instance.
Thanks ,
Hi Vinitha,
It’s bit confusing. Generally this issue is observed in Clustered environment.
Just check if you have deployed in Integration/sdk folder for both folder. If yes then delete it and re-deploy it. Try clearing sdk cache, temp folder and do s restart.
For non-clustered again check the folder and do the same.
Hi Vinitha,
You should add jar files at agile_home/integration/sdk/extensions folder on the application server. Included with the JAR file(s) should be a file named com.agile.px.IEventAction in the META-INF/services directory. The contents of these files are the fully qualified Java class names, one class per line, for an Event action.
Did you miss anything check once.
Thanks and Regards,
Before rebooting, don’t forget to remove the cached version of the jar file from sdk temp folder => this will make sure the jar under …/sdk/extensions folder is used