Stop maintenance obsolete assembly

When we change lifecycle to obsolete for assembly than item number exist in this assembly and other assemblies continue maintenance (revision change).

As result we get different revision for item numsers on obsolete assembly since then assembly lifecycle changed.

What is your approach and best practice to stop maintenance obsolete assembly?

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2 Answer(s)

If the Item is Obsolete or life cycle phase is changed to Obsolete, then update the revision number with โ€œOBโ€.
and you can restrict the item to be released which life cycle Phase is Obsolete.

Agile Talent Answered on April 6, 2015.
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In our situation we also always remove the Bill of Material for this assembly,  (Redlining)   The lifecycle of the part is set to obsolete, the bom is emptied.   In this case when a whereused is done for a component this part doesnโ€™t show up anymore.   When the obsolete assemby is used in a Bill of Material, the parent needs to be revsioned, to take out the Obsolete item.  Next to that it is not allowed to release an item with a component that has not the correct lifecyle (Obsolete is not a correct lifecycle)

Agile Angel Answered on April 8, 2015.
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