“Save as” on Items with attachments using PX
You can define “Save As Attachments” attribute from Agile preferences tab without use API.
insert into Agile preferences :
- Under Server Settings, double-click Preferences. The Preferences window appears.
- In any editable field, enter a new value or select from the dropdown list.
- When you have finished, click Save.
“Save As Attachments” preference
When Save As is used to create a new business object will include the same attached files; your choice is whether to create new copies of the files (which includes new file folders), to reuse the same file folders attached to the original business object, not to copy any files, or to allow the user to choose one of these methods at the time he performs the Save As operation.
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/samplecode/agileplm-sample-520945.html — has a save as PX on Items.