Save As on A Document Class Items JAVAlang exception error

Trying to perform a SAVE As on Document Class items get the following error:


Do not get it on any other object type.  Have the rights to complete a SAVEAS.

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2 Answer(s)

You may be missing dummy data in a database table.  Run Averify to determine if this is the case.  If it is – there are generic fix-scripts available on Oracle Support for that can be run in any environment to correct the problem.

As a workaround you can also try enabling the Manufacturers Tab for Documents – this may resolve the issue if the missing dummy data is in a Manufacturer related table.

Agile Angel Answered on December 23, 2016.
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Agreed with Danny. Any time you get a java.lang.NullPointerException error, it means that Agile was expecting to *always* get something back in an attribute or for a query, and what it got was a null.
 Is this for a specific object, or for any Document object????   Are you good with doing a save-as on Parts??   Although running Averify is the best/first thing to do, if the issue continues, reply back to this thread and I can provide some further things to look at in the database.

Agile Angel Answered on December 23, 2016.
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