Restricting the Release of Obsolete Items using Criteria
When I move the status from Pending to Submit (if Item is obsolete), I should get the Error message. Obsolete item cant be released.
Can this be achieved through criteria?
I have tried with that criteria. Also I gave Status Criteria Matching Type as ‘Same’ in workflow. But it didn’t work.
I have an affected items criteria requirement (item number can not be null) on the submitted step. Did you use pending step or submitted step for your criteria
It would seem like Pending would be correct but for some reason my critera only worked when I used Submitted step. Try it.
I use the AddLifeCyclePhaseonBOMRule on the parts lifecycle tab. It will not allow an obsolete item onto a new BOM. This stops an obsolete item for being on a BOM.
Use criteria “Change Orders Affected Items.Lifecycle Phase Not In Items.Obsolete” .. Apply this criteria on your change order workflow…It should work..You will get an error message “The object violates the workflow criteria”
May be other criteria is overriding for you.. check the exit and entry criteria in workflow status tab..
There are multiple criteria. I have given Status Criteria Matching Type as Same. But it didn’t work.