Reg: AutoVue

Hi All, 
          This is my first time i am installing AutoVue, I have done installation using setup_av_win as shown below 

Reg: AutoVue

after installation i have started start Autovue server and start vueservlet on jetty as shown below(Correct me if i am doing wrong),

Reg: AutoVue

Reg: AutoVue

then i started agile and file manager and try to attach any file to item it gives me error, but when i go through agile vault there file is generated.
the error in file manager

Reg: AutoVue

Help me to solve this issue, is there any step i need to perform after installation of Autovue?

Agile User Asked on August 23, 2016 in AutoVue,   Tools.
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1 Answer(s)

The error you are seeing in the file manager log is NOT related to the issue when trying to attach a file. Note that both properties files *were* loaded successfully, just not from the original location that was attempted.
 What error was given when you tried to attach the file???  And how do you know that the file you found in the vault is the one you tried to attach??

Agile Angel Answered on August 23, 2016.
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