Read timed out error- While adding item to Affected item table
Hi ,
I am trying to add a item(which has 3.61GB size attachment) to the Affected Items table of a change.
I am getting the Read timed out error, and item is not getting added to the change’s affected item table.
Note: Where as I could add the item without the attachment.
what could be the solution for this ? Increasing any memory size would help ? I am using AGILE in windows seerver, please help to solve this problem.
Where is the timeout occurring can you find out, I mean from which enterprise java bean? AdminSessionBean or ChangeSessionBean or somewhere else
Apart from that, are you using SSO to login to Agile? If yes, what’s the timeout settings of SSO defined in
Hi Swagoto,
I am uploading the file in Webclient, so how can we come to know that whether theĀ AdminSessionBean or ChangeSessionBean is throwing error ?
Also, the agile.sso.expirationTime = 120