Process extension Vs New Sub class


We have a situation that we can implement a functionality by either creating 2 new sub classes a new workflow (and use these objects of the newly created sub claases as dynamic list) or we can implement that functionality by having a process extension on save event (auto population of certain attribute values). Which one is recommended in terms of performance and overall health. In general which is costlier a medium complxity Process extension (like on save or workflow etc) or creating a new sub classes?

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2 Answer(s)

1. If you have less sub classes and no confusion with new sub classes then  create sub classes and workflow option.  
2. Process Extension task will take more time and it may fail some times then u need to spend more time for debugging and fixing …etc

My Opinion: if you can solve your problem by configuring that will be good option.

Agile Angel Answered on January 13, 2018.
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Praveen – Can you please expand on “auto population of certain attribute values”. If you solve it using Out of the Box solution using Agile config, that would be a preferred option. Customization can be looked into if config does not meet the requirements.

Agile User Answered on January 16, 2018.
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