Process extension Vs New Sub class
We have a situation that we can implement a functionality by either creating 2 new sub classes a new workflow (and use these objects of the newly created sub claases as dynamic list) or we can implement that functionality by having a process extension on save event (auto population of certain attribute values). Which one is recommended in terms of performance and overall health. In general which is costlier a medium complxity Process extension (like on save or workflow etc) or creating a new sub classes?
1. If you have less sub classes and no confusion with new sub classes then create sub classes and workflow option. Â
2. Process Extension task will take more time and it may fail some times then u need to spend more time for debugging and fixing …etc
My Opinion: if you can solve your problem by configuring that will be good option.
Praveen – Can you please expand on “auto population of certain attribute values”. If you solve it using Out of the Box solution using Agile config, that would be a preferred option. Customization can be looked into if config does not meet the requirements.