Open Agile Gantt Chart from external Application
Hello all,
I need to find a way to open the Gantt Chart from an external application giving a particular Activity Number and specifying if open it in read only mode or full edit mode (exactly as it works in the standard Web Client from a particular activity)
Is there a way to do that?
Hi Antonio,
We copied the Gantt Chart from the PPM module to the product collaboration module (as a BOM) and allowed user to make changes based on their privileges (description and status, file management and more).
I don’t know what your final target is, so not sure this answers your question. what external application you refer to? MS project? other tool? are you copying the PPM Gantt to the external application and looking at ways to sync between them?
Hi Yaniv,
We have a custom application based on AgileSDK, that shows Agile activities in a different way.
We need to have the possibility to open the Agile Gantt Chart (exactly the same dployed in Agile application) from this application.
Probably using a javascript or a particular link to the one installed in Agile and passing the information of selected Activity.
Data is stored in Agile and has to be saved in Agile as well but we need to know if it is possible just to run the same Applet from a custom button 🙂