Need parameters of changeStatus() in IChange
please help me with the parameters of ChangeStatus() in IChange and the other overloaded methods of changeStatus
changeStatus(IStatus newStatus, boolean auditRelease, String comment, boolean notifyOriginator, boolean notifyCCB, Object[] notifyList, Object[] approvers, Object[] observers, boolean urgent)
nextStatus = change.getDefaultNextStatus(); change.changeStatus(nextStatus, false, "", false, false, null, null,null, false);
IItem item=(IItem)s.getObject(“Star”, “01-ST001A1N”);
ICell cell=item.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_PART_CATEGORY);
IAgileList listvalues = cell.getAvailableValues();
I am unable to fetch the values of the list using above code.
please help me