Need help in updating an object (Change) using updateObject method from BusinessObject Service
I have a cover page attribute under a change which is of cascading list type, i am trying to update that attribute value by using Agile OOTB webservice -> business object service. Could you please help me with sample request to prepare. the one which i see from webservices guide is showing only for text type fields but i have cascading list here. Your help is very much appreciated.
AgileListEntryType listEntry = new AgileListEntryType();
SelectionType[] listSel = new SelectionType[1];
listSel[0] = new SelectionType();
MessageElement mElement = new MessageElement(namespaceUri, “LISTNAME”);
mElement.addAttribute(namespaceUri, SchemaConstants.attributeId.getValue(), “LISTBASEID”);
mElement.addAttribute(XSIPREFIX, COMMONNAMESPACEURI, SchemaConstants.type.getValue(), “AgileListEntryType”);