Need help in steps to execute AGILE 9.3.4 WebServices
Hello Sir,
I have been reading Web Services document in AGILE 9.3.4 for a long time ,trying to execute a simple Web Service that it takes “Item” as input and gives Item description as response.
I am having the sample code with me , however the procedure is unclear to me.
Could anyone please tell me the steps to create “Service” and “Client” classes using Java.
Also, let me know what library files we need to add to achieve this.
Start slow if you never worked using web services. Read up on auto creating client stub using WSDL. If you’re more familiar with Microsoft world, use Visual Studio to create stubs by pointing to one of the core services: (example: http://server/CoreService/services/AdminMetadata?WSDL to get methods for managing admin stuff ). If using Java, read up on web service guide for using ANT to auto create the stubs. Before you start calling the web service end points, play around using SOAP UI.
Use SOAP UI to get a feel of how to leverage the service in terms of what’s required/optional.
Replicate the same action in C# or Java… Start slow by calling one method that doesn’t require input and process the output.