MCO Audit Release Results: Errors: No matching entry criteria. Released

Does anyone know what this means? I’m trying to process a MCO and getting this error message. I’ve looked at all my parts and everything looks ok so cannot figure this out.




Agile User Asked on August 25, 2021 in Agile PLM (v9).

Please check Workflow criteria ..It could be  you are using some separate items in the criteria..

on August 31, 2021.
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1 Answer(s)

Hi Jackie,

I believe this is an issue with the workflow configuration in the admin client.  You would have to check that workflow configuration and then go to the Released status and make sure that there is a criteria there that matches the parts you are trying to release.  Its possible your affected items or MCO don’t meet any of the defined criteria and I believe that would be why you encounter that error.


Agile Talent Answered on August 25, 2021.
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