Inactivate a Manufacturer
Is there a way to inactivate a manufacturer name? It seems like the lifecycle phases make no difference on whether you can use the manufacturer name or not.
How do most companies deal with inactivating manufacturer names? (In the old days we would just change the name to ‘company name – Do Not Use)
Is the only way to create a PX that won’t let the user select the manufacturer name with a certain lifecycle phase?
Thank you,
I would suggest 3 things :
1) Set the status to be something on the order of “DO NOT USE”. Make it very obvious that the manufacturers should not be used. (I would also make the status appear in flashing red letters, but Agile isn’t too good at doing that).
2) Adjust your review process to have the Manufacturing/Purchasing folks take a quick look at any parts with AML data, and verify that no inactivated manufacturers are being used. And slap the hands of engineers that insist on using inactivated manufacturers.
3) If all else fails, set the manufacturer as deleted. That way it will not show up in searches, but would still be visible where it is used.
Your users need to know that they should not use these folks anymore. I would think that Manufacturing (and/or Purchasing) would assist in checking for this, as it directly affects them. And it isn’t very hard for them to do.
Thank you for the input Kevin.
It does make sense that mfg/purch should be able to make sure the mfr that is obsolete is no longer used but unfortunately people make mistakes, and we’re just trying to avoid that, make it foolproof.
We would delete the manufacturer but once it has been used on a mfr part, even if the mfr part is deleted, you can’t delete the manufacturer name.
I wish Agile had a little bit more control on manufacturers and mfr parts.
Yes, you can use a PX for this. I created something similar where:
Event: Update Table – Parts – Manufacturers Table
Event Subscriber: Pre, Synchronous, and Stop
Event Handler:
try {
//get statuses
if (manufacturer_status == “Not Approved” && items_pending_change_to_lifecycle == “Items.Production” {
throw new Exception (“You can’t add a not approved supplier to this Active part!”)
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new AgileDSLException(ex);
} // end of try catch block
something like that.
Thank you Matt. Unfortunately I don’t have the skill set for creating PXs. I’d love to learn though. I wonder if there are any classes on this. I’ve dabbled in sql so I think I could pick it up.
Thanks again for your help.
And this script is complicated because it’s a validation script. It’s loosely based off of the ECO Validation sample script found on the Agile/Oracle sample code (link found on this site). If you don’t know PXs in general then this one leagues ahead of where you’d start (unless you want to deep dive into this). This requires the use of Dirty Values, though the rest of the basic fundamentals for what you’re doing aren’t too much more complicated then that.