IFS File BLOB data
Is there a way that anyone knows of to get BLOB data of file attachments from Agile. That is, getting the information for a word file or pdf in a single database cell (log or text type).
I’ve seen that “select f.content_url from Files f where id = ‘12345’” gets you to a link that downloads xml data for a file but I’m not sure that’s the same thing.
Just thinking about different ways to publish files to a MySQL server that along with meta-data about the item can benefit a different application of ours.
I guess if I need to re-frame my question: is there a way for a connection to pull a file from Agile or get a file via database query (not the meta data, but rather the hard data or blob/clob data).
Hi Matt,
For some strange unknown reason am unable to post the actual answer. Hence am pasting a screenshot of it. Please check & let me know if it helps.
Thanks Swagoto – that’s usual but not exactly for my purposes.
I was wondering if there’s a way to actually copy the file into a database table cell (blob or text type, specifically). What you gave me helps me get a link like C:AgileFiles00?0%9agile77041234.pdf but that’s not the same has having an external (internal to firewall but external to Agile) database actually have a copy of the file. Is there a way to push the byte data of a file into a database cell?