I have a groovy where I need to set the workflow on save as but for some reason I can´t get the object.

As explained at the title, please see my groovy:

import com.agile.agileDSL.ScriptObj.IBaseScriptObj;
import com.agile.agileDSL.ScriptObj.AgileDSLException;
import com.agile.api.DeclarationConstants;
import com.agile.api.IAgileSession;
import com.agile.px.IEventInfo;
import com.agile.px.EventConstants;
import com.agile.api.IItem;
import com.agile.api.IDeclaration;

void invokeScript(IBaseScriptObj obj) {

String newNumber = obj.getNewNumber();
obj.logMonitor(newNumber + ‘|’);

IAgileSession session = obj.getAgileSDKSession();
IEventInfo req = obj.getPXEventInfo();

IDeclaration dec = (IDeclaration) session.getObject(DeclarationConstants.CLASS_SUBSTANCE_DECLARATIONS_CLASS, newNumber);
obj.logMonitor(dec + ‘|’);

try {
int eventType=req.getEventType();
int triggerType=req.getEventTriggerType();

// The PX is only applicable for post update event
if(eventType!=EventConstants.EVENT_SAVE_AS_OBJECT || triggerType!=EventConstants.EVENT_TRIGGER_PRE)

Object DeclarationTypeObj = obj.getValueByAttId(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_DECLARATION_TYPE);
String DeclarationType = DeclarationTypeObj == null? “” : DeclarationTypeObj.toString();
obj.logMonitor(DeclarationType + ‘|’);

obj.setValueByAttId(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_WORKFLOW, DeclarationType)
newWorkflow = obj.getValueByAttId(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_WORKFLOW);

// log para o Event Handler Monitor

} catch (Exception e)
throw new AgileDSLException(e);

} // end of try catch block

} // end of invokeScript

It completes the groovy but for some reason the getobject is returning NULL as you can see at the message generated by the log monitor:

MD00119|null|Substance Declaration|Substance Declaration

Thanks in advance.

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4 Answer(s)

Did you try setting this up as a post synchronous event? You are trying to use a Pre event during a Save As. So, technically the object is not created yet.

Agile Angel Answered on May 4, 2018.
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It is running as post since the code says:

if(eventType!=EventConstants.EVENT_SAVE_AS_OBJECT || triggerType!=EventConstants.EVENT_TRIGGER_PRE)

If it was running as pre it will even run the code.


Agile User Answered on May 4, 2018.
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Can you try changing this section FROM:

Object DeclarationTypeObj = obj.getValueByAttId(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_DECLARATION_TYPE);
String DeclarationType = DeclarationTypeObj == null? “” : DeclarationTypeObj.toString();
obj.logMonitor(DeclarationType + ‘|’);

String DeclarationTypeObj = obj.getValueByAttId(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_DECLARATION_TYPE);
obj.logMonitor(DeclarationTypeObj + ‘|’);

…and see what happens?

Option 2:
String DeclarationTypeObj = dec.getValue(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_DECLARATION_TYPE);
obj.logMonitor(DeclarationTypeObj + ‘|’);

Option 2 here uses the IDeclaration you got earlier.  I’m confident at least option 2 will work for you.

Agile Angel Answered on May 4, 2018.
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Best answer

Hi Matt,

First of all thanks for the suggestion.

With your suggestion plus some little modifications the code works. Now the groovy is:

import com.agile.agileDSL.ScriptObj.IBaseScriptObj;
import com.agile.agileDSL.ScriptObj.AgileDSLException;
import com.agile.api.DeclarationConstants;
import com.agile.api.IAgileSession;
import com.agile.px.IEventInfo;
import com.agile.px.EventConstants;
import com.agile.api.IItem;
import com.agile.api.IDeclaration;

void invokeScript(IBaseScriptObj obj) {

String newNumber = obj.getNewNumber();
obj.logMonitor(newNumber + “|”);

IAgileSession session = obj.getAgileSDKSession();
IEventInfo req = obj.getPXEventInfo();

IDeclaration dec = (IDeclaration) session.getObject(DeclarationConstants.CLASS_SUBSTANCE_DECLARATIONS_CLASS, newNumber);

try {
int eventType=req.getEventType();
int triggerType=req.getEventTriggerType();

// The PX is only applicable for post update event
if(eventType!=EventConstants.EVENT_SAVE_AS_OBJECT || triggerType!=EventConstants.EVENT_TRIGGER_POST)

Object DeclarationTypeObj = dec.getValue(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_DECLARATION_TYPE);
String DeclarationType = DeclarationTypeObj == null? “” : DeclarationTypeObj.toString();
obj.logMonitor(DeclarationType + “|”);

dec.setValue(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_WORKFLOW, DeclarationType)
newWorkflow = obj.getValueByAttId(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_WORKFLOW);

// log para o Event Handler Monitor

catch (Exception e) {
throw new AgileDSLException(e);
} // end of try catch block

} // end of invokeScript

Thanks a lot everyone!

Agile User Answered on May 7, 2018.
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