How you update your client about ECO ?
what do you use to update your customer about a change ?
- Send him PDX .
- He has a user in my Agile system .
- Export the Change to PDF and email it to him.
- Update him by phoneemail
- Other (please write what you use)…………….
Since we have few kinds of customers we have used 2 options- one customer that is using Agile is part of the ECO sign off approval since he is doing QC for each product that he got.
The other customers that are not using Agile we are exporting the change by PDF and sending it by email, in addition we are asking from the customer a reply approval and attaching his approval to the ECO (for documentation).
Our company inform the costumer about ECO by sending PDX, which may include (or not) attachments, BOM, AML,…
hey all,
thank you for your answers,
I would like to refer my question to Â
how you PDF look like ? how you export it ?
I have tried to export our ECO’s with PDX, but it looks confusing for the client (although we filtered all beside the “Affected Items”) ,
we tried to export to PDF only the “Cover Page” and to add the relevant Products manually, and yet, nothing of the above was accepted by our customersÂ
(they complained that it look “Ugly and not readable….”)
so I’m looking for:
1. Â something else,
2. Â companies that use solutions as I wrote above and to explain my CEO that we are doing right…
There is another option that we are using for some customers- we are editing the ECO by mail or document(special instruction) or excell, the document expailing the ECO in words and pictures that suiting to the customers needs.
Hagi Cohen
Do you mean ECO for internal customer ( for example: subcontractor, vendor ) or PCN for external customers?