How to view both the ECO affected Item table and the Title/Pg2 of a selected affected item

The way I view the details i.e Title/Pg2 of a selected affected item, is:
1. Open the ECO
2. Select the “Affected Items” table
3. Select the line of the Item
4. The Title/Pg2 of a selected affected item is presented below the Affected Item table of the ECO

The problem is that when I do it on a small 13 inch display of my laptop, both the Affected Items table and the Item details are too narrow to work with.
– very few lines are show
– sometimes just a “half” line is viewable

Can this view be manipulated or expanded while seeing BOTH Affected Item table AND a selected Item Title/Pg2 details ?

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1 Answer(s)

This sounds like it has more to do with your screen resolution and/or Zoom (‘Ctrl+’ Zoom in ‘Ctrl-‘ Zoom out) settings. 

Make sure you are using the highest recommended resolution for your monitor and that you aren’t zoomed in too far when using your laptop. 
It is also important to note that changing the zoom carries across sessions – So if you are on a large monitor/projector and need to zoom in to be able to read the text – the next time you open Agile on your laptop it will still be zoomed in and you’ll see even less.  The smaller the text – the more lines will be displayed in each section.

You can change to full display mode (‘More > Full Display Mode’ in either section) to maximize what is displayed, but this will temporarily hide the other section from view.  

If adjusting your resolution and zoom doesn’t help. You might consider using Full Display Mode for the Redlines section and a Print Preview of the Affected Items Table (Actions > Print > Affected Items Only > Preview) if you need to see both tables at the same time.  Pushing the Change to the Navigator – will also allow you to see the list of the affected items while having the Redlines section maximized.

Agile Angel Answered on November 11, 2016.
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