How to modify the default settings of Default Health Statuses?

Hi everyone,

In the documents, I found health status of the project. Its default value is five days. And the documents indicates that the default value can be modified. 
“For more information about health status settings, see Agile PLM Administrator Guide.”
But I can’t find where it is in the document. Does anyone know how to modify it?


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1 Answer(s)

Java Client
System Settings > Product Portfolio Management > Schedule Status

Open the status that you mean to modify (Needs Attention, Off Track) and modify the “overdue value”

Just make sure that the overdue value for “Off Track” is greater than the value for “Needs Attention”

Agile Angel Answered on January 15, 2019.

The documentation for this, which I’d highly recommend looking at, is actually found in the admin portion of the PPM USER guide .

Chapter 10 Configuring Product Portfolio Management > Configuring Status Display

on January 15, 2019.
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