How to get all data from AgileClassesReport from Agile server using java

I am using Agile Product Lifecycle Management 9.3.4.

Now i have another project to point to that Agile PLM. Now i want to get all the data like csv file above and convert to JSON Object using java.

I have tried to implement as below but i just receive classes name.

void getAllClasses() throws APIException {
IAgileClass[] classes = m_admin.getAgileClasses(IAdmin.ALL);
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
System.out.println(“Class Name : ” + classes[i].getName());
System.out.println(“ID : ” + classes[i].getId());

Have anyone done with it before please help me. Thank you so munch!

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3 Answer(s)


You have to use the INode to get the Node and its contents.  Please check “

23.5 Working with Nodes” of the API Guide (in 9.3.6 version)


Agile Angel Answered on August 9, 2017.
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Since you got the class name drop a query using a loop and get all the objects related to that class. make sure to create a new csv file (clear the data from memory at regular intervals) in order to avoid “Out of memory issues” contact for ready made tool which extracts the data from the agile system with a minor tweeks in the property file

Agile User Answered on August 9, 2017.
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Thanks for your responses,
I am using getAttributes() function from IAgileClass interface to get almost attributes and properties

Agile User Answered on August 14, 2017.
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