How to display popup by using Agile SDK in web client

Hi , I have used the line ” JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, “Must be submitted for Approval”);” in Agile code to display popup but after i deploy the same jar in server its giving error as ” 502 webserver received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.

Need your suggestions please !

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2 Answer(s)

In my experience, I could never make this pop-up thing work, either in web-client or java client, may be others can share their experience if they had been successful.

Regarding your code, difficult to comment just by seeing this one line. The error message you are getting is related to web server response, so I suggest you try to test it bypassing your proxy (IIS or Apache HTTPD or OHS whichever you’re using), and then check how it behaves, whether the thread gets stuck or you get any exception stacktrace in the logs. Accordingly you can troubleshoot further.

Agile Expert Answered on August 10, 2021.
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Thank you for the information ! I will check on this.



Agile User Answered on August 11, 2021.
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