How to create an event through which whenever the title block of any item gets updated. notification should be sent to specific users.


Agile User Asked on April 27, 2023 in Product Collaboration.
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You could create an Event. There is an Event Type called ‘Update Title Block’.  Although, the documentation says it includes edits to the Title Block as well as Page 2 and Page 3 attributes.
So, let’s say someone made an edit to one of these fields and hit Save. Normally, it also gets recorded in the History tab of that object. There are three things that can be defined to trigger an event and execute some code.  First, there is the Event. Then the Event Handler, which contains the Java Groovy code. Then an Event Subscriber that links them together.
The Groovy code can use the Agile SDK API classes to find information. Like, you may be able to use the IHistoryManager interface to find what recent update was made. Your code could also invoke a Notification which you also defined, to send an email.   If there is an easier way, others can reply here. I don’t have any code to share as I have not written any that looks at an object’s History.  On this web page, click on Admin Guide HTML:   and also the SDK Developer Guide.

Agile Talent Answered on May 1, 2023.
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