How to change return message of Async Extend Action Menu event?
I have created an Async Extend Actions Menu event. When I run it, it returns a default message:
“Job submitted for running asynchronous event subscribers in the background”
I can’t modify it whatever String I return as EventActionResult from doAction() method.
Is there any way to override this behavior?
The actual String is returned if the subscriber is a Synchronous one. Problem only with Async mode.
You’re asking about whether you can change the “Job submitted for running asynchronous event subscribers in the background” to something different, right? Example, Agile instead writes “See the comment made on this ECO for the results” or “Check the Event Subscriber Monitor for the results.”.
I seriously doubt it as that should be hard coded in the com.agile.agileDSL.ScriptMgr.AgileDSLMgrSessionBean.invokePostAction() class instead of your EventActionResult.doAction() class.
Thanks Matt for the info. But my handler is a Java PX not a Groovy one. In that case do you have any idea in which class it may be hard coded?
You’re right, that was knowledge I got from a stack trace created by a Groovy script.
No idea about Java PXs, but my gut instinct is to create a java PX that simply throws an Exception and prints the stack trace. That may tell you more about the class next level up where it’s hard coded.