How do you allow for editing of the To Revision on Implemented ECO


I have created a privilege allowing for a one time editing of a To Revision in the Affected Item on an implemented ECO with the To Revision as allowable field to edit.  I still wasn’t able to do it.  Is there a SmartRule or something else that I need to change? Also note that the implemented ECO does not have another ECO after it potentially causing revision discrepancy. Any insights will be much appreciated.

Thank you!


Agile User Asked on May 19, 2020 in Product Collaboration.
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2 Answer(s)

Once released there is no longer an option to make updates to the item through the ECO. The updates are event related and only trigger at release hence why you are not able to make the updates. What are you attempting to accomplish?

Agile Angel Answered on May 19, 2020.

Hello Patrick,

Thank you for your insights. We have revision mismatch between Agile and Oracle and I was trying to make data fix and change Agile so we can transfer succeeding ECOs. I thought there would be a way for us to make edits to the ECO even after release. Am I wrong in my thinking?

thank you!


on May 20, 2020.
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You cannot do this through the user interface. Agile explicitly prevents modification of the item (and it’s revision) once it is released. It is possible to do this in the database itself, but you had best know what you are doing!!

Get the ID in the ITEM table for the item number. Get the ID for the ECO that released the wrong revision from the CHANGE table. Both can be done with

select ID from <TBL> where item/change_number = '<number>';

Then use those ID values to get the single record in REV that needs to be modified. Easiest would be the following :

update REV set rev_number='<new rev>' where item = '<ITEM ID>' and change = '<CHNG ID>';

Make darn sure it only updates a single record before you commit. You should do this when the Agile is not running (like just before you run Averify, for example). Once done, you should be able to see the new revision value.

Please note, this is NOT something to be done often, and in fact this should be the ONLY time you ever do it. Make sure your process is modified to include verification that the revision is correct before it is released, so that this does not happen again.

Agile Angel Answered on May 20, 2020.
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