How can we find relationship in PPM

Hi All,

How can we find relationship in ppm module at database level.
For Example:
We have three levels Project,Phase,Task.

One project hold multiple phases and phase have multiple task.

To find relationship between those which table and columns can help in DB.


Agile User Asked on February 24, 2016 in Agile PLM (v9),   Product Collaboration.
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2 Answer(s)

Hi Dinesh,

The ACTIVITY table is the one that manages PPM Schedule Dependency in a Tasklist.
The coulm PARENT_ID and ROOT_ID identify the DBID parent and the Root of tasklist.

Agile Angel Answered on February 25, 2016.
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Hi Dinesh , 

Much depends on what is your exact requirement. 

Get Project Details : 
Select * from activity where name like ‘Your Project  Name’

Get Task Details of Project :
Select * from Activity where ROOT_ID IN (Select ID from Activity where name = ‘Your Project  Name’);

Get dependency details of Tasks of the Project 
Select * from activity_dependency where from_Id in (Select id from Activity where ROOT_ID IN (Select ID from Activity where name = ‘Your Project Name)); 

You can use this query to find out the details of Tasks and it’s dependency for a given project 
Select ad.from_id,ad.to_id, pre , Tasks,a2.*
from activity_dependency ad, activity a1,activity a2,activity am
where 1=1
AND = ‘your project name’
and a2.root_id
and = ad.from_id
and = ad.to_id(+);


Agile Angel Answered on February 26, 2016.
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