How can i do mathematical calculation in BOM table
ITable affTable= item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);
Iterator it1=affTable.iterator();
IRow row=(IRow);
ICell cell = row.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_BOM_TEXT01);
def v2 = row.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_BOM_NUMERIC01).toDouble();
v3 = (v1.multiply(v2)).toString();
In above code when i define
def v2 = obj.getValueByAttId(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_BOM_NUMERIC01).toDouble();
It fetches the value from last bom Table and performing multiplication.
when using def v2 = row.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_BOM_NUMERIC01).toDouble();
We are getting bellow exception.
No signature of method: com.agile.api.pc.CellRedlined.toDouble() is applicable for argument types: () values: {}
Please help me how can i fix this.
Thanks in Advance……
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