Function to calculate signoff duration in oracle AgilePLM
Please check below documentation:
Signoff Duration data is recorded for statuses that have reviewers: Review-type statuses and Release-type statuses. Signoff Duration records time in a manner similar to a stop watch or timer. The recorded time indicates either how long each reviewer has been able to signoff the change for that status, but has not yet done so, or the number of days it took the reviewer to signoff the change for that status.
Signoff Duration is recorded for each user in days. It is the lesser of:
Time since the change entered the workflow status. The time is recorded for the most recent entry into the status.
Time since the user was last added to this workflow status.
The Signoff Duration timer begins recording duration time when the user becomes a reviewer, either when the change enters the signoff status or the user is added as a reviewer to the signoff status.
The signoff duration timer continues to increment one day at a time. The timer freezes when:
The reviewer signs off the change for that status.
The change exits that status
If the change enters a specific signoff status multiple times, then a separate duration is recorded for each time the change enters the status.
Signoff Duration time is recorded in days. When a change enters a signoff status, if a reviewer signs off within the first 24 hours, then the Signoff Duration time is recorded as 0 (zero).