Full Text Search in Agile 9.3.4

Is there anyone who has already set up the “full-text search” in Agile 9.3.4?

Agile User Asked on December 29, 2016 in Agile PLM (v9),   Product Collaboration.
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1 Answer(s)

I have worked with several clients who have this set up. It is not normally set up as a default, but can be turned on fairly easily. In addition, there are configuration settings that control how the search is done (exact match only, variation matching, concept matching) as well as what file types should be indexed. There is a background task that indexes all “new” files since the last time the task was run, and you can configure how/when new files are processed. Of course, if there are a lot of files it can take quite a while to get them indexed when you first turn it on.

Agile Angel Answered on December 29, 2016.
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