Fileload weblcient

What are the steps needed to enable fileload feature for end users in an environment 
where application server and filemanager is windows based.

Do we need to place files in application server and share folder to file manger service user account?

Agile Angel Asked on November 4, 2015 in IT and Networking.
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2 Answer(s)

When doing file load from the web client the path refers to a path from the application server I am not familiar with windows as we use linux but the file manager user doesn’t need access to the share.

You don’t mention a proxy web server but if are using a proxy I think the path refers to the machine the  proxy is running on clearly important if the proxy and apps server are not on the same host.

PS agree with the later answer we use the Java client as it’s just easier and portable i.e. you take the utility to the files rather than the files to the utility.

Agile Angel Answered on November 4, 2015.
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    1. Prepare an index file. File names should be in server’s point of view. Use UNC (\server-nameshared-resource-pathname) for file names in order to eliminate drive mapping issues.


    1. I prefer to run File Load from Java Client on application server rather than from a web client. It runs faster. In addition, Java client uses your windows login credentials, while web client uses the application service credentials, which are usually limited to local machine by system account. So files can be retained on network and there is NO need to copy them to a temporary location on server machine.


    1. Set ‘Number Of Dedicated Threads’ to be more than 1, but less than the number of the machine CPU’s processors. It doubles the speed of file load.


    1. Last tip: be aware not to hit ‘OK’ when file load ends, since it will start over. Hit ‘Close’ as it finish.


Agile Angel Answered on November 4, 2015.
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